Adams County Together Website
Last week Mayor Kyle More announced the formation of Adams County Together, a partner task force designed to coordinate, align and maximize the community’s response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 virus. Today, the task force has launched a website as a resource for the community.
The website, led by Great River Economic Development Foundation, Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce and The District is a place for residents, businesses, and non-profits to seek information as they navigate the numerous federal, state, and local assistance programs.
“We have never been involved in a pandemic during my lifetime,” states Chamber executive director, Latonya Brock. “There is so much information coming towards our community from Federal, State, and City levels; we wanted to ensure these resources could be located in one central place. The website will help businesses and individuals find vital information to assist them in this process.”
Through the website individuals, businesses and non-profits can access direct links on relief assistance, grant funds and loan programs. Also available is guidance and frequently asked questions regarding the “stay at home order,” links to donate to local charities who are aiding in the relief effort, and even information on how each resident can help support the Adams County community.
Quincy Mayor Kyle Moore said, “The goal of Adams County Together is to make it a little easier for our residents, businesses and non-profits to help navigate the many programs available to them. We know families are wondering where they will get their next meal, businesses who are doing everything they can to keep their doors open and non-profits who are delivering essential services to our community with little to no funding coming in. We hope they will use this page as a resource to get every dollar available to them.”
“Our small businesses and residents wanted help to navigate the huge quantity of information,” agreed Bruce Guthrie, executive director of The District. “Community leaders and organizations came together to create one place for businesses of all sizes to go. This will give them every opportunity to find their way through this very challenging time.”
Questions or follow up appointments can be made by calling the Mayor’s office at 217-228-4545.