GREDF to Conduct Survey to Assess Area’s Workforce
[share] The Great River Economic Development Foundation in partnership with The Workforce Investment Board of Western Illinois has retained Growth Services, Inc., a workforce consultant, to conduct a survey of area employers. The goal of the survey is to evaluate the area’s workforce from the businesses’ perspective. The results will be used to identify and address workforce issues within the region and take steps to assure that the needs of area employers are being met, both now and in the future.
Local employers will be asked to provide information about their employee base, including the quality of the workforce, their experiences when hiring new workers, education, skill levels, wages, salaries, benefits, and commuting distances. The results will be used to generate an aggregate report and individual responses will remain confidential.
The report will also be used as an economic development tool to help both existing and prospective new businesses assess the area’s workforce.
The survey will be sent to employers electronically, and it is designed to be user friendly and take approximately 30 minutes to complete. “We encourage all those receiving surveys to participate; higher participation rates will enable us to better identify and address issues that are of importance to our employers,” says, Jim Mentesti, GREDF president.