Let’s Talk Career Guidance
The Adams County Workforce Initiative began in April 2013 when more than 40 area leaders gathered to discuss workforce issues and create a platform for continued collaboration. Several key issues were identified during the April meeting and three teams were established to address the most critical of those issues.
Career Guidance Team: Working with businesses to convey to individuals the career opportunities and earning potential available in the Adams County region
Work Readiness Team: Developing work-ready citizens to become successful, productive members of the regional workforce
Succession Planning Team: Ensuring that as workers retire, the knowledge of those retirees stays with local companies and within the community
All three groups have been meeting regularly and as a result of those meetings have developed missions and goals specific to their area of workforce development. In this installment, let’s focus on Career Guidance.
Career Guidance Team
MISSION: Encourage, Educate & Connect
Encourage and foster awareness of careers; educate youth and job seekers about area career opportunities; build connections between families and local employers
Activities of the Career Guidance Team include:
- Conducted survey of junior high and high school principals to assess career guidance opportunities and gaps in Adams County schools
- Conducted “Career Roadshow” pilot project at Central (Camp Point) Freshmen Orientation night, March 13, 2014
- Planning a second Career Roadshow for Spring 2015
- Conducted a meeting with Adams County school counselors to develop an implementation plan for career guidance activities
- Hosted a joint meeting with the Work Readiness team to share both teams’ plans
The Adams County Workforce Initiative is being guided by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the Workforce Investment Board of Western Illinois, John Wood Community College, United Way of Adams County, Quincy University, West Central Region Education for Employment System #240, Quincy Public Schools, Vatterott College and the Great River Economic Development Foundation. Individuals interested in becoming a member of one of the workforce teams should contact Angela Caldwell at 217.223.4313 or caldwella@gredf.org.