Manufacturing Day Press Conference
Great River Economic Development Foundation, John Wood Community College, West Central Region Education for Employment System #240 and the Workforce Investment Board of Western Illinois will hold a press conference celebrating National Manufacturing Day on Friday, September 25, 2015, at 8:00 am at Titan International Headquarters, 1120 N 28th Street (corner of 28th & Cedar) in Quincy. National Manufacturing Day is October 2, 2015.
Angela Caldwell, Workforce Development/Data Management Specialist, Great River Economic Development Foundation; Kim Boccardi, Director of Marketing, Titan International, Inc.; Mark Pfleiger, Director, West Central Region Education for Employment; Blanche Shoup, Director, Workforce Investment Board of Western Illinois; and Mike Elbe, President, John Wood Community College, will each make brief remarks. Mayor Kyle Moore will make an official proclamation recognizing October 2, 2015, as Manufacturing Day in the City of Quincy.
For more information contact Maggie Strong, maggies@gredf.org or 217.223.4313

JWCC to Hold Manufacturing Expo at Workforce Development Center
Robotics, 3D Prototypes, Pneumatics and Motor Controls to be on Display; 200 High School Students to Attend, Public Invited
John Wood Community College will host a Manufacturing Expo Friday, September 25 at the College’s Workforce Development Center, located at 4220 Kochs Lane in Quincy. The public is invited to attend from 12 to 2 p.m. free of charge.
The event is part of National Manufacturing Month and aimed at educating the region on the new world of manufacturing. More than 17 percent of Adams County employees are in the manufacturing sector, which is full of head-of-household careers for individuals with the right skills.
During the expo, participants will learn about the new technology used in the manufacturing industry through demonstrations and interactive displays. Robots, 3D printers, virtual welding, computer numeric control machines and state-of-the art industrial maintenance technology will be featured inside the JWCC Workforce Development Center.
JWCC instructors will demonstrate how a product is taken from concept and computer animation to its 3D prototype and production using new equipment used by regional employers.
Representatives from Knapheide Manufacturing, Doyle Manufacturing, Moss Industrial Training Skills, Sheet Metal Workers Local 91, Trinity Containers LLC, Kohl Wholesale, Fastenal and Lincoln Welding will showcase products and equipment during the expo.
Earlier in the day, approximately 200 area high school students will visit the expo as part of a regional manufacturing career exploration effort. From 8:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. students will visit the JWCC Workforce Development Center and tour ten manufacturing sites arranged by the Great River Economic Development Foundation. Students from QHS, QND, Pleasant Hill, Southeastern, Camp Point Central, Liberty, Payson and Western in Illinois, Highland in Missouri and Keokuk in Iowa will tour regional manufacturing companies, including Titan International, Gardner Denver, Knapheide, Manchester Tank, ADM, Hollister Whitney, Gates Air, Craig Industries and Phibro Animal Health.
Information about JWCC career and technical programs, as well as admissions and financial aid will also be available.
The event is a collaborative effort among JWCC, Great River Economic Development Foundation, Workforce Investment Board of Western Illinois and the West Central Education Regional Education for Employment System #240. For more information, contact David Hetzler at 217.641.4953 or dhetzler@jwcc.edu.