Adams County Small Business Emergency Loan
Adams County Announces Small Business Emergency Loan Program
Quincy, Illinois (April 20, 2020) – In an effort to assist small businesses that may have been negatively impacted by the Stay-At-Home Order from COVID-19, the Adams County Board unanimously approved establishing the Adams County Small Business Emergency Loan Program. The loan funding sources include up to $250,000 from Adams County and up to $100,000 from Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials. Two Rivers will take the lead on administering the program using existing staff.
“The City of Quincy established a similar emergency loan program last week, and the County wanted to be able to offer the same type of assistance to small businesses in the Adams County areas,” stated Kent Snider, Adams County Board Chairman. “We have partnered with Two Rivers, and they have agreed to administer the program as it directly correlates to their mission to provide leadership for local governments and promote economic development.”
The basic terms of the program are:
• Max Loan: $10,000
• 1% interest rate
• First payment is deferred for up to 6 months, loan must be paid back in 12 months (or 18 months from when the loan check was issued)
• Businesses must have at least 2 employees (non-owners), and no more than 50 employees maximum
• Loan funds must be used for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, insurance, utilities
• The borrower must not have any outstanding debts with the County and must be able to demonstrate COVID-19 related economic injury to their business
The Board established a loan review committee to evaluate the loans consisting of the Adams County Board Chairman, 2 Adams County Board members, the Two Rivers Executive Director and Two Rivers Loan/Grant Administrator, an Adams County bank representative, and the Adams County Treasurer.
The loan application can be found on the Adams County website at, under Announcements, or on the Adams County Together website at
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Businesses will have to send support information to document their financials and will be required to sign a personal guaranty on the loan amount. Officials believe the loans could be processed within 10-14 working days of an approved application and checks issued.