Message From Our Team
To our partners,
We write you today in solidarity, speaking out against systemic racism and discrimination that continues throughout our nation. In the midst of global frustration and anxiety due to the pandemic, the world witnessed another horrific act by a white police officer that led to the death of a black man. This racially motivated action, along with many other similar actions, has impacted us all, and has led to an outcry across the United States and throughout the world. The lives of black and brown individuals’ matter. The devaluing of the life of people of color is undeniably wrong.
As Citizens we have the right and the duty to protest gross injustices. Protest is a possible means to finding a solution to a serious issue. Rioting, as we’ve seen in many cities, is not. Criminal activities that destroy personal/public property of innocent people of every race and ethnicity serve only to fuel a detrimental backlash against those that want an end to discrimination in all forms.
Great River Economic Development Foundation stands in solid partnership with the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce, and community leaders, to promote Diversity and Inclusion as a non-negotiable value for Quincy and Adams County. We urge and encourage a call to action for every resident, company and other leaders to do better; to stand up for racial justice and equity; and to work together. Search within yourselves, have a conversation, actively listen, be willing to step up, be a voice of justice, and be sensitive to all.
Start your journey – QACC Diversity & Inclusion Academy / Updates
Be an ally – | Sojourners
Deepen your engagement – Showing Up For Racial Justice Chapters
On behalf of the GREDF team,
Marcel W. Wagner Jr. CEcD Mike Elbe
GREDF President GREDF 2020 Board Chair