
Community Brand Announcement Invite

Every community has a brand reputation or identity… what people say about them when they’re not around. More than a year ago, nine community organizations decided to work together to propel the image of our community forward. We formed the Brand Quincy/Adams County Partnership with the purpose of developing a cohesive, distinct and memorable brand.

Please join:

City of Quincy, Adams County, Arts Quincy, The District, Great River Economic Development Foundation, Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce, Quincy Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, Quincy Park District and the Oakley-Lindsay Center

on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, at 5:00 pm at the Oakley-Lindsay Center in Quincy as we unveil the new community brand.

Cash Bar & Networking 5:00 pm
GREDF Annual Meeting 5:45 pm
Brand Announcement 6:00 pm